Popular chord dictionary for piano
Popular chord dictionary for piano

popular chord dictionary for piano popular chord dictionary for piano

These are used as BassNotes for the accompanying chord. It is easier to play,and frequently makes a more pleasing progression to the followingchord.

The three-note dominant seventh with thefifth omitted often sounds better than the full chord. The DOMINANT SEVENTH CHORD, which is simply termed a "7thchord" in popular music, is given in two forms the complete chordand the three-note form. (all chords containing the number 9 in the chord name]ELEVENTH CHORDSTHIRTEENTH CHORDS (whose names contain no numbers larger than 7)NINTH CHORDS MAJOR, MINOR, DIMINISHED, AUGMENTEDSIXTH CHORDSSEVENTH CHORDS Under each key family, the chords arearranged in the following order: This system is used rather than chromatic order, as it is more consistentwith proper alphabetizing. Thusthe key families of the chords will be found in the following order: Flat or sharpfamilies will be found FOLLOWING the letter name they contain. The chordsare first classified according to KEY in alphabetical order. In the POPULAR PROGRESSIONS section of thisbook both left and right hand chord positions are shown. Although:`chord accompaniments are sometimes played with the right hand, only_the left hand chord positions and fingering are shown in the dictionary section of this book. In order to make this dictionary useful to the amateur pianist,only the most practical position of each chord is shown. This CHORD DICTIONARY shows the notation, fingering and key-board diagrams for all of the important chords used in modern popular,music.

Popular chord dictionary for piano